Website Development Agency in CT

How Social Media Impacts SEO and Search Rankings

Boost your online presence through effective Social Media SEO Most business owners are aware of the value of social media in promoting their business. However, they might consider Social Media SEO as a separate channel from the rest of their marketing efforts. It’s true that a website’s rankings are not

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Getting Started: Websites for Small Businesses

I hope most business owners recognize that the days of yellow page advertising and walk-in customer sales are long gone, all must bow to the beast that is the world wide web. For those who’ve yet to concede, I can assure you that the lack of a business website (even for a small

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Get The Most Out Of What You Pay For

It’s not even lunch time and I’ve already said this twice today. And ‘shocked’ is how I would describe both reactions. Day in, day out, week after week, I speak with people working on business website or branding projects that aren’t really businesses. EXAMPLES: Each of the above are REAL examples And what they

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Your Brand Needs a Process.

Updated: September 2, 2023 Your brand is more than just a logo or a catchy tagline; it’s a multifaceted entity that needs a well-thought-out strategy to thrive. Whether you’re a startup aiming for a splashy launch or an established business looking to refresh your image, creating a brand involves several

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North Star Design Studio Ranked As Top Web Design Companies In Connecticut

June 23, 2017 | Milford CT: DesignRush is a B2B marketplace that connects brands with professional full-service agencies, web design companies, digital marketing firms, and top technology companies. Their platform lists over 9,300 agencies from over 50 different countries and is consulted by thousands of decision-makers looking to start a

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